по пыльным кольцам сатурна я уйду
28 April
The difference between Dolores Claiborne and me is that I would be ashamed, but I'd still keep the money (at least half of it anyway. Guess my greedy ass would donate some). I'm in so much embarassing pain right now. I'm really hurt to my core with all the injustice in this world, with all the people preaching one thing while doing another. Truth is, I despise them. I despise all of those who think they know or do better than other people. Who feel proud of or at least at peace with themselves. I hate them because I want to be like them. Yet I'm done with despising myself. How can you become (or want to become, for starters) someone that you hate and despise yourself? Kidding myself once again. But if I dont want to change really, how do I stop thinking that I need to?